A migraine is a type of headache characterized by intense pain, according to studies, it is a neurological disorder that causes a notably throbbing, pulsing headache on one side of your head. There are several types of migraine, Migraine with aura which is known as complicated migraine, migraine without aura which is known as common migraine, hemiplegic migraine, retinal migraine and chronic migraine.
Complicated migraine involves neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances or tingling sensations that precede or accompany the headache. These symptoms are known as auras (sensory symptoms that act as warning signals that a migraine is about to begin) which can last for less than an hour. Common migraine on the other hand occurs without preceding neurological auras, people with this type of migraine experience moderate to severe headaches. Hemiplegic migraine comes with temporary paralysis on one side of the body, sometimes it includes head pain, and sometimes it does not. Retinal Migraine involves a temporary, partial, or complete loss of vision in one of your eyes along with a dull ache behind the eye that may spread to the rest of your head, retinal migraine is often considered a sign of a more serious issue. Those who get chronic migraine experience headaches 10 to 15 days a month, it is a frequent reoccurrence of headaches.
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The main symptom of migraine is headache, which can start as a dull ache and then develop into mild, moderate, and severe pain. Other symptoms of migraine include sensitivity to light, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness and blurred vision, neck pain, stiffness, and in rare cases diarrhea and fever. According to research, the cause of migraine is not fully understood, however, certain factors can trigger migraine attacks, factors as emotional stress in which certain chemicals are released to the brain to combat situations, and these chemicals can bring migraine. Skipping meals is also a factor that can trigger migraine, sensitivity to food, too much caffeine, hormonal changes, and changes in weather conditions and lights can lead to migraine attacks.
Migraine can be managed with medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen, these medications should be prescribed by a specialist. Aside from taking these medications, there are certain home remedies like resting in a quiet room, applying a cold compress to your forehead, messaging your scalp, and yoga that can be employed to manage migraine. Also, drinking water, not skipping meals, getting adequate sleep, and regular exercise are ways to prevent migraine attacks.
In conclusion, if you notice any severe symptoms of migraine, visit your healthcare provider, so that they can prescribe the right medications for you.