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Pregnant women this fruit is a winner

Being pregnant and having a child is a beautiful feeling. During pregnancy, you hear different advice from family, relatives, friends,

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BREAKING: Super-Cop arrested over drug deals

Suspended DCP Abba Kyari has been arrested and handed over to NDLEA. Sources told Vanguard in confidence that DCP Abba

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5 Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds for their

6 Memory Games You Can Try

Memory games are activities or techniques that aim to improve cognitive abilities, specifically memory function.

5 Uses of Bicarbonate Soda

Bicarbonate soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate or baking soda, it is a crystalline

6 Things to Do During a Heat Wave

A heat wave is an extended stretch of exceptionally hot weather, frequently accompanied by high

5 Reasons Why You Need Health Apps

 Health apps are applications created to help users manage and track their health and wellness