We eat food to provide us with the necessary nutrients, which our bodies utilize for the growth, development, and maintenance of vital tissues and organs like the brain, and also provide us with energy for carrying out our daily duties.
According to Health line, the brain functions optimally when oxygenated blood, made from the various nutrients extracted from digested food, flows through the blood vessels unhindered to the brain cells that utilize them and make the brain active. However, when the blood vessels become blocked due to high cholesterol levels or stretched and swollen to the point that they bleed due to prolonged high blood pressure, which results in a shortage of blood to the various cells in the brain, it leads to a medical condition known as stroke.
, there are some foods that can cause strokes if consumed excessively that most people don’t know, and it’s important they are well informed about these foods and their constituents in order to avoid eating them on a regular basis.
1. One of the foods that can cause strokes if consumed excessively is fried food, which has a high proportion of saturated fats and cholesterol. It’s important to know that the liver in the body works daily to produce a sufficient amount of cholesterol that the body needs for the building of important cells, but when you eat foods packed with a high quantity of saturated fats or cholesterol, you will cause the amount of cholesterol and fat level in the blood to increase, which can block the blood vessels of the brain when blood is being transported there, and this could lead to stroke. Maintaining good health has a lot to do with taking things in moderation, and so it’s critical that you avoid such foods as much as you can, and if you must consume them, do so in a small amount.
2. Foods that are sweetened with too much of either sugar or salt can also cause strokes if taken excessively because the sodium in salt functions as an ion electrolyte, which increases the pressure of the blood when present in large quantities. The same goes for sugar, which can cause diabetes and swelling of the blood vessels as a result of osmosis caused by the abundance of sugar in the cells of the blood vessels.
3. Red meats are another type of food that can also cause strokes when you eat them in quantities that are beyond the normal intake of the body. However, since they contain more chemical compounds that can impact the health of the blood and the brain when they are ingested on a regular basis, make sure you seek medical advice on how best to consume red meat to avoid the risk of having a stroke.