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How to maintain a healthy body weight in Children

Childhood obesity is a major health concern worldwide. It can lead to numerous health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure,

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Revenge bedtime procrastination Is a real Sleep Disorder

You know you should get to sleep, but you don't want to just yet. Sound familiar? This behavior actually has

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

More form Children

Understanding Warts in Children

Warts are small, rough growths that appear on the skin caused by a viral infection

6 Common Sleep Issues in Children

Sleep issues in children refer to any difficulties or disturbances related to the child's sleep

6 Ways to Prevent Obesity in Children

Childhood obesity is a medical disorder that is defined by an excess of body weight

7 Healthy Habits for Kids

Healthy habits for kids refer to a set of positive and beneficial behaviors that contribute


Snacking for kids should be healthy, nutritious, and appealing to their taste buds. Here are