
Get the best of health tips from foodanheath as we give the daily health stories.

Health benefits of deep breathing

When it comes to improving our health, many of us focus on areas we can easily quantify and track, such

Editor's Top Picks

How Your Sleep Position Affects Your Health

Most adults settle into bed without giving a second thought to how they are situated. It is such a routine

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

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Lack of Sleep Builds Up Unhealthy Belly Fat

The lack of sufficient sleep together with access to food increases calorie consumption and consequently,

Ways to Improve Your Blood Circulation

Circulation is vital to the health of your entire body. However, we are guessing circulation

Migraine and Weather Changes: What is the Link?

Researchers do not know exactly what causes some people to experience migraine attacks. Genes, changes

Self-Medicating Depression, Anxiety, and Stress

Drinking or using drugs to change your mood, face your fears, or deal with painful

Ginger: Uses, benefits, and nutrition

People have used ginger in cooking and medicine since antiquity. It remains a popular home