Life Style

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7 Ways to Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, is a widespread health issue affecting millions of individuals worldwide. It is known

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6 Healthy Travel Tips

Healthy travel tips refer to methods and techniques meant to preserve one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being while on the

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Trauma and How to Handle It

Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural

Why It’s Important to Apologize in Relationships

Apologies can be an important way to mend interpersonal relationships, but it is also normal

Home remedies for fast back pain relief

Lower back pain is the leading cause of absenteeism from work. Up to 80% of

Habits that enhances happiness

Habits matter, if you’ve ever tried breaking a bad habit, you know all too well

Infertility: Some lifestyle issues which can delay conceiving

When it comes to infertility or the causes behind a delay in conceiving, your lifestyle