
Get the latest news on how to give your children the best possible care. Get the knowledge on the there well being.

Revenge bedtime procrastination Is a real Sleep Disorder

You know you should get to sleep, but you don't want to just yet. Sound familiar? This behavior actually has

Editor's Top Picks

Mental Health Benefits of exercise in Children

Two new studies show how exercise can help children combat depression as well as behavioral disorders. A physically active child

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

More form Children

Iron-Rich Foods for Children: Preventing Deficiency

Iron is an essential component that promotes a child's growth, cognitive development, and overall health.

The Magic of Storytelling: Promoting Healthy Eating in Children

Getting children to eat fruits and vegetables has always been a difficulty. Many parents turn

Child Mortality – A Silent Health Crisis sweeping across Africa

Child mortality is a major public health issue in Nigeria, with thousands of children dying

Healthy Popsicles for Kids

Popsicles are a  favorite among children, especially on hot days when a cool treat is

5 Cough Remedies for Babies

We frequently feel helpless as parents when our children have a persistent cough. While it