
Get the best of health tips from foodanheath as we give the daily health stories.

Dental Health and Dental Hygiene

Maintaining good dental health and hygiene is essential for overall health and well-being. Poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth

Editor's Top Picks

Fight insomnia with this drink

Milk and honey have amazing health benefits. When combined, they may provide many surprising health benefits. This includes benefits in skincare and increased

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

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Prostate Health

The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland located below the bladder in front of the

5 Remedies for Back Pain

Back pain is mostly caused by poor posture, as a result of prolonged sitting, and

7 Habits for Healthy Eye Sight

Our eye is a very sensitive and fragile organ, just like any other part of

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Blood Pressure Monitoring is a routine test that measures the pressure in the arteries as


Breast cancer support refers to a range of services, assistance, and resources provided to individuals