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Substance Abuse and Addiction

Substance abuse and addiction are serious issues that affect millions of people and families worldwide. The term substance abuse refers

Editor's Top Picks

World Tuberculosis Day 2022: About 30 000 people fall ill with TB every day -WHO

World TB Day is observed on March 24 each year to raise public awareness and understanding about one of the

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

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Exercise may protect brain health by lowering cardiovascular risk factor

Existing studies show that exercise helps protect brain cells through mechanisms that researchers do not yet

World Malaria Day: Over 200,000 Nigerians have died

World Malaria Day is marked annually on 25 April to focus global attention on malaria

World Malaria Day 2022

World Malaria Day is marked annually on 25 April to focus global attention on malaria,

Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables to live longer

A new study sows that you only need 5 servings (that’s eating apples, banana in

Health benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that comes in different colours like red, white or purple.