
Get the best of health tips from foodanheath as we give the daily health stories.

How to go to Sleep when you are Stressed

Many people with anxiety have trouble sleeping and at some point it’s hard to tell whether you’re having trouble sleeping

Editor's Top Picks

Foods That Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is the immune system’s response to detecting something harmful. Sometimes your body’s disease-fighting mechanisms misidentify healthy cells as invaders.

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

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Age and Fertility

Fertility changes with age. Both males and females become fertile in their teens following puberty.

Prevention from having a sickle cell babies

The last thing loving parents want for their children is suffering. Grazed knees and broken

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

This year, we're putting kindness in the picture and encouraging people around the world to

Ways to Naturally Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety isn’t all bad, though. It makes you aware of danger, motivates you to stay

Health benefit of aloe vera

Aloe vera is gel from the leaves of aloe plants. People have used it for